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The Business Council of Canada welcomes Quebec’s industrial laboratories

At a time when Canada trails its peers in both productivity and R&D investments, today’s announcement by Finance Minister, Eric Girard, marks an exciting new approach to innovation policy in Quebec. The creation of industrial laboratories in innovative industries with […]

Honouring the life and legacy of Brian Mulroney

Canada has lost a respected leader, a far-sighted visionary, a global statesman and a true Canadian champion.  As Canada’s 18th Prime Minister, the Right Honourable Brian Mulroney was the personification of transformative leadership. He had the vision and courage to […]

Working group must do more to improve regulatory efficiency

Ottawa, ON – February 1, 2024 — Canada’s regulatory burden is a major factor affecting the decisions of our members to invest in projects that are essential for both our shared prosperity and meeting our climate goals. While today’s update […]

Calling for a return to the negotiating table

It is in the interest of both U.K. and Canadian businesses that our two countries return to the negotiating table. Businesses on both sides of the Atlantic need certainty, reliability and predictability. When the free trade talks were launched in […]

Providing the EU with energy security

It is clear from this week’s Canada-European Union Leaders’ Summit that energy security remains a top priority for the European Union (EU). It is in both the EU’s interests and in Canada’s own economic security interests that Canada do more […]

The Government of Canada’s 2024-2026 Immigration Levels Plan

Canada’s immigration system must be better aligned with the country’s economic needs. Business leaders continue to call for 65 per cent of new permanent residents to come from the economic class. Canada benefits from the knowledge, skills and entrepreneurial spirit […]

Advancing economic reconciliation

As published on LinkedIn As I think about the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation my thoughts are with the Survivors of residential schools, their families and their communities. September 30th is a day to reflect on the past and […]

Avoiding unintended consequences of amendments to the Competition Act

In a globally competitive environment for capital, the competition measures introduced today, and the way in which they have come about, will create a further chill for business investment – both foreign and domestic. Contrary to the Government’s stated intent, […]

Reopening BC ports to help workers, families and businesses

The failure to ratify a mediated deal will harm workers and businesses from many sectors across Canada whose employment and income might be impacted, as well as all Canadian families who face rising prices.   Enough is enough. It is imperative […]

Urging closer cooperation between Germany and Canada

On the occasion of the second meeting of the German-Canadian High-Level Steering Group on Bilateral Cooperation in Ottawa on June 6th, and following the recent state visit to Canada by Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the Transatlantic Business Initiative (TBI), the […]